Micropolygon Displacement Basics Part 2/2 – Blender Tutorial


    Continue learning the Micropolygon Displacement in Blender with the part 2/2 (of the free update to Space VFX video course).

    Watch part 1/2

    Download the Project Files (lite version)

    Blender Tutorial Highlights

    What’s in this Space VFX Update 1.1?

    1. Micropolygon Displacement Basics Part 1
    2. Micropolygon Displacement Basics Part 2
    3. Exoplanet: Zoom to the Surface

    If you have Space VFX you’ll get all the project files, textures and animations.

    micropolygon displacement tutorial
    The 1.1 update is free for everybody, but the Space VFX owners have access to all the project files

    What is Space VFX?

    After watching this 14+ hours video course you’ll be ready to create any space object in Blender. Quasars, gas giants, planets, black holes, asteroids and more.
    Aidy Burrows and Gleb Alexandrov, two Blender geeks joined forces to create this cosmic tutorial series.


    1. Just thought about this for a sec, i should be able to apply these modifiers to get real geometry, Which i can then export and 3d print,,,,,oh so many ideas for spacey things both virtual and physical

    2. I had this crazy idea: what if we create a bunch of renders of the microdisplaced model from different angles, and then reconstruct the 3D model in photo-scanning soft? aa? 🙂 that could be interesting experiment. We may get real geometry this way.

      • David Fromholtz

        So crazy it might just work. I had an idea, Create Sphere – Create 1000 cameras- Assign cameras to sphere points facing inwards- Photoscanning sphere? Sounds stupid but maybe?

        • I think 200-400 cameras would be enough 🙂 or just 1 camera, animated to orbit the sphere in 400 frames.

          • David Fromholtz

            I like it! P.S I animated an alien xenomorph to add into the displacement tutorial 😉

    3. Lionel Pat

      Hi. Is the displacement going to be analysed as such with a 3D printer ?

      • Lionel, I think it won’t count as geometry, for 3D printer. But honestly I have zero experience in this area. We need the advice of someone who tried it already.

        • Lionel Pat

          Thank you for your answer

      • Is it translucent? Interesting effect, shadowlights.

        • It is glossy & transparent mix 50%, mixed with Emission by Layer Weight Facing

          • Michael Petrík

            caught my eye 😉

      • Good, I like it! Maybe the geometry is a on a bulgy side, but probably it’s my subjective point of view 🙂 I would keep it a little bit flatter.
        Thanks for sharing!

      • Looks convincing to me! It would enjoy the higher resolution, and the seams are slightly visible, but other than that it’s cool.

        • what to do in blender

          thanks gleb

    4. Edita Aksamitiene

      Thank you very much for this tutorial. With your guidance, I learned how to make my own 32 bit depth maps and apply them to different meshes. I also experimented with color gradients. However, the color transition in case of cylinder (knob) height is not smooth enough (distorted). Do you know how to overcome this? Here is png file of my original exr. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7422ea3f1e775484dbeeb94c47c75c5e81afe659d8ce226001b44096d1513277.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b8e0fdb05b3d4e2c1e9d597bebf8d4540341e7037a42049d0e8d77e61f82e63.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e171250b17e6535d9ea5c14fcdc0771e22a087234c63ad7b9cf00056f8e29ff5.png

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