Blender to Resolve: a FREEMIUM course The FREEMIUM course on pro color grading for 3d artists I Want It! $0+ Unlock the power of DaVinci Resolve For grading 3d renders (AgX and more) 4+ Hours of tutorials, 7 masterclasses Pay-what-you-want ($0+)Early Bird Sale: 20% off!
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Cinematic Lighting in Blender A NEW step-by-step video guide to creating dramatic lighting in Blender by Gleb Alexandrov I Want It! $60 9+ Hours of Premium Lighting Lessons For Cycles and Eevee 100% Blender 3.5 Now with a free Extension Pack!Early Bird Sale: 14% off!
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PROCEDURAL TEXTURING: BLENDER MASTER CLASS Master procedural texturing in Blender with node expert Luca Rood I Want This! $30 4.5 Hours of Training For Blender 2.9x Create Procedural Wall Shader Master Blender's Material Nodes Early Bird Sale: 14% off!
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HARD-SURFACE RIGGING IN BLENDER The Beginner's Guide to mechanical rigging in Blender I Want This! $30 This character design is inspired by Animation Mentor’s Blip rig and is used with permission. 6+ Hours of Videos Beginner - intermediate Full process of rigging the Robo By Jeannot Landry, rigging guru
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HDR IMAGE-BASED LIGHTING IN BLENDER (ARCHIVE) Master the complete HDR Image-based lighting workflow I Want This! $0 AN OLDIE (FROM THE ARCHIVE) For Blender 2.79 FREEMIUM (Pay-what-you-want!)
REALISTIC LIGHTING IN BLENDER (ARCHIVE) 11 Hacks You've Probably Never Tried I Want This! $1.99 AN OLDIE (OUTDATED) For Blender 2.77 Creative Shrimp history The first of Gleb's courses