Watch this crash course and master the complete HDR image-based lighting workflow, 100% Blender
HDR Image-based Lighting
Instant Download I WANT THIS! Video Info: 1.5 hours, 1920 x 1080 (download and streaming), MP4 format Project Files and Bonuses Software Used: Blender 2.78, Cycles Skill Level: Intermediate FREEMIUM (Pay-What-You-Want)! Instructor: Gleb Alexandrov, Caffeinated Artist and Founder of Creative Shrimp • • • • • "Everytime I lock my workflow one way or another, Gleb creeps out of the shadows to greet me with a classic feature with a new approach!" Jerry Perkins aka MasterXeon1001, Creator of Hard Ops "Gleb once again proved that he is a master in lighting. In this new Blender course he shows us a deep insight into making awesome renders using HDRI image-based lighting. I especially enjoyed the method on combining multiple HDRIs to get stunning lighting results." Zacharias Reinhardt, 3D Artist & Blender Trainer
Image-based lighting is an opportunity to achieve astounding realism
If you've just started tinkering with HDR image-based lighting in Blender, it may seem daunting. So hard to control the direction of light (Gimme the rim light, you, Blender!). Even harder to avoid a blown-out background.
On top of that, there seems to be so many things to wrap your head around: High Dynamic Range, 32-bit textures, Tone Mapping...
But actually, this workflow is MUCH easier than you might have thought. I promise.
After watching this step-by-step guide, you'll get the super powers to crush the image-based lighting in Blender. 04m24s
In this introductory video we'll take a look at this lighting course and its contents. Grab your coffee and let's get started.
16m27s In this chapter we'll be exploring the image-based lighting basics, to familiarize ourselves with it. Mainly, we'll see how an HDR environment can be set up.
12m42s Discover the real benefits of using High Dynamic Range images for illuminating your 3D scenes.
08m41s Watch this chapter to learn how Filmic color management can help you to get more photoreal renders (when combined with IBL it's a suckerpunch!). In this chapter we'll be setting up 3 distinct lighting moods, using Blender's image-based lighting toolset. All guns blazing!
07m10s Want to capture the full 360° high dynamic range panorama inside Blender? Easy peasy.
19m15s Knowing the light qualities and how to analyze them is essential for creating eye-popping 3D art. Let's explore these qualities. "Gleb is a master of lighting, these tutorials aren't just about how to drop in an HDRI and hope for the best, they're about how to manipulate HDRIs and even your materials to get exactly the result you want." Greg Zaal, Artist and HDRI guy (HDRI "Looking for that secret ingredient to really make your work POP? Well, with the help of rubber duckies (and Gleb Alexandrov) you'll learn the best ways to control light in your scenes and add that tasty bit of awesomeness to any project!" Steve Lund, Artist and Founder of CG Geek
Last year we released the Realistic Lighting
: 11 Hacks You've Probably Never Tried. Basically it was the collection of tricks aimed at faking various lighting effects: dusty rays, reflections and so on.
That said, you don't need to have already been through this course to be able to follow HDR Image-based Lighting. These are separate things (although they compliment each other). REALISTIC LIGHTING VIDEO COURSE
All the project files are included, so you can follow along with video tutorials
Moreover, Greg Zaal has kindly offered us a couple of amazing 2k HDRI environments from
In addition to that, all future updates to this course will be free... oh wait, the course itself is already free, if you want! Or rather it's FREEMIUM.
That means that you can pay as much as you feel it's worth. Whether you get it for $0, or pay $35, or $5, or $59 - thanks and I appreciate you! HDRI Haven. GET STARTED WITH IMAGE-BASED LIGHTING NOW Let the nerd world go crazy about your renders! I Want This! $0+ Over 1.5 Hours of Video Project Files included FREEMIUM (Pay-what-you-want!) Approved by Shrimps Teleport to the Gumroad product page
Absolutely! it can be free, or you can set your own price for it, depending on your current mood 🙂
Hi i really wana give you money but I dont have that much money. So heres my question can I give you money also in a moth or an week??? Also i watched it in my Art lesson in school hehehe cause my teacher said if it has do something with Art its ok that we watch something :d. Your way to explain thinks is in my opinion quite nice. thank you !!!!!!!!!!
I think it’s obvious. In a month, if that is still alive (i’m pretty sure), it’s not too late to donate if you really wish it. And If it’s not alive, probably something will come another time…
I just bought my copy and I’m starting the course right away. Ok, maybe I’ll have a big cup of coffee first 😉
Oh well, what’s better than a big cup of coffee? 30 big cups, spread out evenly across 7 days. I wanna say that I appreciate your support, Paweł!
Oh, come on, I’m the one to be thankful. I mean I really appreciate someone’s will to share their skills and knowledge on Blender. So many tutorials and courses and not enough time to finish them all – after I finish my work 😉 And by the way- lighting in Blender is a very demanding problem, at least basing on my own attempts with some scenes. I’ve just finished a project from another course, the scene is lit by HDRI only, with no other light sources. It definitely makes a difference. I’m excited to explore the subject.
Got my copy of the course and took the Realistic Lighting course as well! Always wanted it, so why not get it now! Hope you can get trough the week with those cups of coffee;D Thanks Gleb!
I see, you’re on your way to becoming the LVL60 lighting guru! Have fun and indeed, why not get 2 instead of 1. Math! You made my day, highest of fives and rays of happiness 🙂
My guess is that you run Blender from c:/program files/… and windows doesn’t allow you to add files to this directory on the C drive, or something along these lines. Can you try one of these solutions? 1. Run Blender as administrator 2. Install (or just unzip) Blender to another drive 3. Download the latest build of Blender (starting from 2.79, Blender has a built-in Filmic color management as far as I know) the latest builds can be found here:
ok I will try it thx it worked with the admin Thank you!!!!!!!!
I have watched the first and the second viedeos and my mind is glowing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you can remeber every singel step???
(Putting the comments in the right place – sorry for this perturbation 😉
1. I’ve finished the course and in case somebody hasn’t decided to grab their copy yet, I’ll make a little spoiler on what you’re finding inside and why I think it’s good 🙂 2. The course is basically about the light in Blender – in general. And apart from that, you’re getting a closer focus on the subject of lighting your scene with High Definition Range Images and on the new color management called “Filmic”, the one that everybody’s been talking about lately. 3. The tutorials are very fast because you’re not actually supposed to start projects from scratch, and rather practice lighting skills using .blend files that come with the product. Gleb cuts to the chase from the start, he’s focused on the subject and makes no unnecessary distraction, so I think that even if you don’t consider yourself an intermediate blenderer, you’ll enjoy the course anyway. Also, there’s a lot of comparisons, “before and after” – both in pictures and the stuff you are practicing in Blender, so I think it’s really user-friendly. 4. I really like the introduction to “Filmic”. I put off switching to it because I thought it would cause incompatibility with older stuff (tutorials and such) that was created before “Filmic”Well, Gleb explains it all: how to configure the Look of “Filmic” (by default it’s quite different from sRGB), how to take advantage of its features and what you need to be careful about (using mixRGB in Node Editor) not to lose its functionalities. 5. Lighting your scenes with HDRIs: you’re getting the basics and information on how to modify its look (because pure, unmodified HDRI usually looks awkward in a scene). Then there’s this longer tutorial on how to combine to HDRIs and use them as a super-elastic lighting combo. Very interesting! 6. There are more things in the course like techniques to kill butterflies, adjusting Light Bounces values properly and even how to creatively use just Spot Lights with image textures to get those surprisingly interesting effects. But what I like about the course the most is that I’ve found out “What’s wrong with the picture?”. I try to use some nice textures, all those diffuse/AO/reflection/glossiness/normal maps but the materials often suck anyway. Well, they suck because the lighting in the scene is not appropriate. I don’t have much experience in Blender, but the lighting is definitely the thing worth practicing – a lot 🙂
Gleb Alexandrov
Gleb Alexandrov
Let the freemium experiment begin!
Roman Tkachuk
Wow!! It`s free??? You are osom, man!!!
Thanks a lot!!
Gleb Alexandrov
Absolutely! it can be free, or you can set your own price for it, depending on your current mood 🙂
Hi i really wana give you money but I dont have that much money. So heres my question can I give you money also in a moth or an week???
Also i watched it in my Art lesson in school hehehe cause my teacher said if it has do something with Art its ok that we watch something :d.
Your way to explain thinks is in my opinion quite nice. thank you !!!!!!!!!!
Gleb Alexandrov
You can donate ANY amount, or just download it right away, for free. I hope that makes sense.
Ok thanks but i can donate later to something???
Renaud Warnotte
I think it’s obvious. In a month, if that is still alive (i’m pretty sure), it’s not too late to donate if you really wish it. And If it’s not alive, probably something will come another time…
I just bought my copy and I’m starting the course right away. Ok, maybe I’ll have a big cup of coffee first 😉
Gleb Alexandrov
Oh well, what’s better than a big cup of coffee? 30 big cups, spread out evenly across 7 days. I wanna say that I appreciate your support, Paweł!
Oh, come on, I’m the one to be thankful. I mean I really appreciate someone’s will to share their skills and knowledge on Blender. So many tutorials and courses and not enough time to finish them all – after I finish my work 😉 And by the way- lighting in Blender is a very demanding problem, at least basing on my own attempts with some scenes. I’ve just finished a project from another course, the scene is lit by HDRI only, with no other light sources. It definitely makes a difference. I’m excited to explore the subject.
Pingback: HDR Image-Based Lighting Workflow in Blender • Creative Shrimp –
the Pingdelf
Got my copy of the course and took the Realistic Lighting course as well! Always wanted it, so why not get it now!
Hope you can get trough the week with those cups of coffee;D Thanks Gleb!
Gleb Alexandrov
I see, you’re on your way to becoming the LVL60 lighting guru! Have fun and indeed, why not get 2 instead of 1. Math!
You made my day, highest of fives and rays of happiness 🙂
Hi Gleb i wana install the Filmic Blender Add on but it doesent work it just say error and something with the old colormanagment. Can you help me ??? That is what it says.
Gleb Alexandrov
My guess is that you run Blender from c:/program files/… and windows doesn’t allow you to add files to this directory on the C drive, or something along these lines. Can you try one of these solutions?
1. Run Blender as administrator
2. Install (or just unzip) Blender to another drive
3. Download the latest build of Blender (starting from 2.79, Blender has a built-in Filmic color management as far as I know)
the latest builds can be found here:
ok I will try it thx
it worked with the admin Thank you!!!!!!!!
I have watched the first and the second viedeos and my mind is glowing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you can remeber every singel step???
Pingback: HDR Image-Based LIGHTING in Blender - Inside 3d News | Breaking Models Blog
(Putting the comments in the right place – sorry for this perturbation 😉
1. I’ve finished the course and in case somebody hasn’t decided to grab their copy yet, I’ll make a little spoiler on what you’re finding inside and why I think it’s good 🙂
2. The course is basically about the light in Blender – in general. And apart from that, you’re getting a closer focus on the subject of lighting your scene with High Definition Range Images and on the new color management called “Filmic”, the one that everybody’s been talking about lately.
3. The tutorials are very fast because you’re not actually supposed to start projects from scratch, and rather practice lighting skills using .blend files that come with the product. Gleb cuts to the chase from the start, he’s focused on the subject and makes no unnecessary distraction, so I think that even if you don’t consider yourself an intermediate blenderer, you’ll enjoy the course anyway. Also, there’s a lot of comparisons, “before and after” – both in pictures and the stuff you are practicing in Blender, so I think it’s really user-friendly.
4. I really like the introduction to “Filmic”. I put off switching to it because I thought it would cause incompatibility with older stuff (tutorials and such) that was created before “Filmic”Well, Gleb explains it all: how to configure the Look of “Filmic” (by default it’s quite different from sRGB), how to take advantage of its features and what you need to be careful about (using mixRGB in Node Editor) not to lose its functionalities.
5. Lighting your scenes with HDRIs: you’re getting the basics and information on how to modify its look (because pure, unmodified HDRI usually looks awkward in a scene). Then there’s this longer tutorial on how to combine to HDRIs and use them as a super-elastic lighting combo. Very interesting!
6. There are more things in the course like techniques to kill butterflies, adjusting Light Bounces values properly and even how to creatively use just Spot Lights with image textures to get those surprisingly interesting effects. But what I like about the course the most is that I’ve found out “What’s wrong with the picture?”. I try to use some nice textures, all those diffuse/AO/reflection/glossiness/normal maps but the materials often suck anyway. Well, they suck because the lighting in the scene is not appropriate. I don’t have much experience in Blender, but the lighting is definitely the thing worth practicing – a lot 🙂
Pingback: The freemium experiment is going fine! • Creative Shrimp
Hey guys, I’ve justed finished a project. The scene is lightened by HDRIs that I made during the VFX course. There are no other light source (except for “amoebas” and spirals which have emission shader). The results:
Pingback: Filmic Color Management in Blender | HDR Tutorial (4/7) • Creative Shrimp
Hello….sir here is my model of Jeep trailcat made and rendered in blender 2.78 with hdris…… There is it……can u give me advice for this type scene….thanks in advance….
Pingback: HDR Lighting Workflow for Blender: Look Development (5/7) • Creative Shrimp
James Abell
Great course, helped me to look into HDRI in Cycles and Blender. Made this piece of art work for my 3Z Universe. Modelled 3ds Max, people makehuman, rendered in Blender, HDRI courtesy of HDRI Haven. Based on retro futuristic cable cars from old world expos such as Expo 70.
Giri Miyoshita
Okay Gleb, Thankyou for share the freemium experiment content , i just took my lvl80 lighting :D… joke.. it was amaze..
Pingback: HDR 画像を用いたライティング (HDRI / IBL) [Blender] –