Tag Archives: creative shrimp

Animating Lights in Blender

In this free Blender tutorial from our upcoming new lighting course let’s take a look at animating the lights themselves. There are a lot more ways to animate lighting that first meets the eye, using a simple subway scene lets shine a light on the subject!

Lofting Between Shapes

Our latest video course for Blender: 50 Modeling Issues from Hell has just been released! Here’s a free sample chapter on how to loft between shapes. Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Blender Market Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Gumroad

Blender 2.8 Tutorial | Remeshing Tools

Blender 2.81 now ships with two new ways to remesh your models, a fast one based on volumes and another one preserving quads. Let’s take a look at how they might affect our hard surface workflow! 2.8 HSM Update Youtube playlist Hard-surface modeling on BlenderMarket (2.79 full course and 2.80+ update) Hard-surface modeling on Gumroad