Blender 2.8 Tutorial | Remeshing Tools

Blender 2.81 now ships with two new ways to remesh your models, a fast one based on volumes and another one preserving quads. Let’s take a look at how they might affect our hard surface workflow!

  • Why Remesh? How? and Where?
  • Learn the main differences between them.
  • All the Voxel options
  • All the Quadriflow options
  • The old skool Remesh Modifier
  • Additional Apps and Addons to take it further

2.8 HSM Update Youtube playlist

Hard-surface modeling on BlenderMarket (2.79 full course and 2.80+ update)

Hard-surface modeling on Gumroad (2.79 full course and 2.80+ update)


Gleb | Youtube

Aidy | Youtube

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Aidy | Twitter