Blender 2.8 SETUP | What we change and why

Even though we try to change nothing to make it as easy to follow along, that wouldn’t really be teaching a very good workflow in many cases. So! Here are some of the changes we often make to default Blender and why we make them.

By default Blender is setup for the average user but while that causes the least amount of changes that need to be made, the perfectly ‘average’ user doesn’t really exist. Blender is so versatile it couldn’t possibly really cater for everyone by default.

  • In a rush? There’s a 2 minute quick runthrough of all changes at the start
  • GPU vs CPU vs CPU+GPU (See image below)
  • What Addon’s we tend to have always enabled.
  • Workbench settings
  • And more!
Simple cube scene (shown in background of chart) using Blender 2.81 on Windows 10

Conclusion of render tests is that for the CPU 64 was best, for GPU 256 was best. AND! CPU & GPU together at 64 were shown to be fastest overall.

2.8 HSM Update Youtube playlist

Hard-surface modeling on BlenderMarket (2.79 full course and 2.80+ update)

Hard-surface modeling on Gumroad (2.79 full course and 2.80+ update)


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