Tag Archives: video

Making Corners

Our latest video course for Blender: 50 Modeling Issues from Hell has just been released! Here’s a free sample chapter on making corners. Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Blender Market Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Gumroad

Lofting Between Shapes

Our latest video course for Blender: 50 Modeling Issues from Hell has just been released! Here’s a free sample chapter on how to loft between shapes. Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Blender Market Get the full ’50 Modeling Issues from Hell’ course on Gumroad

Blender Wireframe Modifier

Welcome to Blender Wireframe Modifier overview. A feature of Blender 2.70, it provides an easy way of making wireframe render in Cycles. But its great not just for visualization. It can be put on top of cloth simulation to make a fishnet. In general, this tool opens up many modelling scenarios for us.