50+ Space VFX User Works


    We’ve been receiving emails, tweets and fb posts with incredible renders and w.i.p.s inspired by Space VFX video course. Here are 50+ space renders made by awesome Blender community. Thanks for sharing, you are a bunch of amazing human beings (very hot and creative)!

    Thumbnail: NoviceinDisguise

    Music: That Slapper by Otis McDonald

    p.s. If we missed your render, our apologies in advance. Drop us a line and we’ll do something about that!


    We’re looking forward to see your next eye-popping space renders. Anytime. Anywhere. Feel free to bombard me and Aidy with it.


    1. romanbruni

      nice !

    2. Paweł

      I’m happy to hear that there’s going to be another update to Space VFX. And I’m really curious what’s it’s going to be about, beacause there’s already a lot of various stuff in the course. Some kind of… Space Cakes maybe? 😉

      • PaweÅ‚, Aidy is going to bend the space-time fabric, no less. charging a warp drive at the moment. tomorrow the teaser will be out so stay tuned 😉

    3. Reda Lamine

      Hello Gleb here’s my work with this tutorial I wanna improve the animation even more and make it more alive any tips? feel free to comment thanks in Advance 🙂

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