Cycles X, 2-7 times FASTER? Blender 3.0

    You knew I would record a video testing new Cycles X, right? Here we go, it’s faster and you can confirm it too. I used Blender 3.0.0 experimental build.


    My GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080TI

    Download Cycles X and Blender 3.0

    Donate to Blender Foundation

    Derek Barker on Twitter
    Derek Barker on Youtube

    Custom Blender builds, including Bone Studio build

    Tests used in the video (basically that’s our Blender Cycles scenes):
    00:49 – The Dusty Cellar test
    04:43 – The Bottles – glass shader pathtracing test
    07:01 – The Lamp test
    08:10 – The Sci-fi Helmet test
    10:42 – The Nebulae test
    12:32 – The Procedural Shader test (wip Procedural Texturing course)

    Luca Rood on Twitter
    Procedural Texturing course for Blender – coming soon!

    Music: Two Moons by Bobby Richards