The Brushes


    Render that pretends to be a photo

    Done in Blender, rendered in Cycles. ~100k polygons (and several millions polygons generated by fur during rendering)

    [icon icon=”star”] Featured in official Cycles Demoreel 2014

    [icon icon=”star”] Excellence award on 3dTotal

    [icon icon=”star”] Render of the Week on Blendernews

    [icon icon=”star”] Featured at Blenderartists Forum Gallery

    The Brushes

    The Brushes

    [icon icon=”star”] 3d gallery Award on

    Render time – could easily be several days on my rig. Many thanks to Renegatt’s team and its GPUBOX software for helping out with a final render in double resolution (and also with some drafts) :).

    update_01: what a feedback! thank you all, I’ll compose something about lighting, hair shader, compositor node setup etc. – to answer your questions. Maybe I’ll do it topic by topic.

    Read Making of!


    1. Really nice – are the dust motes post-pro or rendered?

    2. Thanks! some dust is done in material, and this flying motes – you’re right – in post-pro (in blender composer and then in some bits in photoshop).

    3. This is mind bending. I am very interested in the scratches on the metal surfaces, the brush hair (and textured shader along the strands), and the dust motes, as other people have mentioned. What meticulous work. You must be fantastically patient.

    4. Thank you, noah. I’ll post making of brushes here, when it’s ready. For sure, I’ll mention hair shader and so on. And I think it’s cool to share some textures too 🙂

    5. encn

      Easily one of the top Cycles renders I’ve seen. I love these small-scale eyecatching IRL moments, and this makes me want to sharpen my rendering skills to be able to recreate them as well. It’d be interesting to see the pure Cycles output, since the line between post-production and finely tuned lighting is a bit blurred.

    6. encn, you’re completely right! this line is blurred indeed. Impression of “light” depends on many small things: glare, lens flares, dust, streaks of volume light, vignette and so on. I’ll post raw render vs post-processed soon

    7. Thanks! I cant’ share the full scene right now, sorry.

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