Blender Modeling Add-ons: Box Cutter


    In this tutorial we’ll explore the basics of Box Cutter – a paid Blender 3D modeling add-on by Team C (Jerry Perkins and Adrian Rutkowski). After the release of Hard-surface Modeling in Blender course we got a lot of questions about the modeling plugins for Blender, so we decided to launch a brand new series of videos covering some very neat paid and free tools.

    Boxcutter on Gumroad

    Over to You

    Do you use any modeling plugins in Blender? Let me know in the comments below!


    1. paul birk

      So much to learn so little time between work and well work. But most of my free time is spent on messing around with the plethera of add-ons for blender. And have to say if not for the great community of blendersubstance3D enthusiasts and the like I would have gave up years ago. Thanks to all the developers.

      • The time between work and work could be, paradoxically, the most productive time. a space for something else

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