#AskGleb Podcast Ep. 6: Life vs Hobby, Lighting & My Obsession With Games


#AskGleb 06 – the podcast from the Q&A series, devoted to computer graphics, art, coffee, Blender and productivity.

You ask questions, I’ll answer them.


0:42 Game engines, pipeline and lighting
2:18 Physically based rendering, offline and realtime
3:33 Light portals in Blender
3:59 What part of 3D editing do you like the most?
4:18 Why the work/life balance is a weird concept
5:17 Crazy idea by Micah
6:07 #AskGleb podcast on iTunes
6:27 Picking the right size for the texture
8:40 The danger of getting stuck in tutorial zone
9:18 Procrastination (is my doom)
10:40 Thumbnails and conversion
11:15 Where to post your questions?


#AskGleb Podcast 04: Why Every CG Artist Should Become a Media?


Go ahead and ask your questions on Twitter using #AskGleb hashtag.

I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Uncle Snail

    Once again, great job! Nice choice for your ordering of questions so that it flowed well together (and the last one was almost a request to leave feedback on the site). 🙂
    I can’t wait for the game tutorials.

    • Haha, you noticed that too! It was unintentional, but the questions flowed so well.

      • Uncle Snail

        Wow, I thought it was planned. 🙂

  2. Hey Gleb it’s great to see you talk about the blender game engine in your podcast although blender is not near as powerful as unreal 4 or Unity there a some really nice games coming out of the blender game making challenge and if I’m not mistaken the viewport projects going to be compatible with the blender game engine

  3. Lendel Fajardo

    I think this is the first podcast I’ve listened to here in your website and I’m definitely excited to see your game asset production workflows 😀

  4. Sayan Mondal

    Hi Gleb, awesome podcast and it’s great that you are answering all the questions. But I liked the audio only podcasts more. Nevertheless, keep up this good work.

  5. Jai Ganesh

    Hii i saw your website for the first time its different from the other especially the way u interact with the user Great Job Bro !!!!!!!!!!!,its my latest artwork your comment pls

    • Woah, well done Jai! To my eyes, the colors are appealing and the quality of visualization is good. I’m not sure whether we should try to improve the composition or not. But maybe consider adding the stronger point of interest (the cup? the chair? the papers? I don’t know).

      • Jai Ganesh

        i have added character in the scene how is thz ????

  6. Samuel Jonson

    Nothing fantastic but its worth sharing. It took me two days to complete this 🙂
    I went and found an image on the Cloud then used blender to try and recreate the elements with a somewhat different style. Comments?

  7. Bshep

    Really great! Thank you!

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