What Have You Missed This Week?

This week was astonishing in terms of trickery and surprises. I can’t wait to share what happens on Facebook, Twitter and Medium with you.


– I made a pretty big update to Resources section on my blog. Go ahead and check it out.

If you have any suggestions to this ever growing list of goodies, let me know in the comments.

Articles and Artworks

– I published the new chapter of Lighting Open Project on Medium.

– And if you (for some unspoken reason) missed the tutorial about all-devouring fog, read it right now on Medium.

– Want to watch a video about photo scanning your city and turning it into Silent Hill? Here you go.

– My works were featured on Blenderguru. Top 10 Blender Artworks from April 2015.

– As well as in awesome Cycles Demo Reel 2015. Thanks Thomas Dinges!

– Steampunk World: Station 45 has gone viral with 152 retweets.

Tips and Tricks

– That guilty pleasure of cheating with 3d glasses on Facebook … it was so exciting 🙂

gleb alexandrov creative shrimp

– Protip on flipping the canvas horizontally in Blender.